Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Goose meat roket salat

With the autumn coming, came season for household birds. Roasted geese, ducks, turkeys, stuffed or just rubbed with herbs, will improve any event or simple family meeting. Some meat leftovers are often left in a small family. What to do with that aromatic meat…? Here is my option… (I had goose meat, You can use duck or even less aromatic turkey meat)

Serves 2:
300 gram cold roasted goose meat
200 gram roket salad
1 grapefruit
1 tsp white wine vinegar
2 tbsp vegetable oil
¼ tsp honey
Salt and pepper to taste

1)      Cut meat into bite size pieces. Wash, dry and tear with Your hands roket salad. Place into a salad bowl. 

2)      Squeeze juice out of one half of grapefruit. Divide into sections the second half. Cut off all the bitter membranes. Add pieces of the fruit to the salad.

3)      In a small bowl mix grapefruit juice, vinegar, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper, honey and oil. Whisk everything well. Add to the salad.

4)      Stir salad well, try it and add extra seasoning if necessary. Serve immediately!

IDEA: You can add grated Parmesan to enrich the taste.

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